Why is the chicken industry very developed in Kazakhstan

There are several reasons for the development of the chicken industry in Kazakhstan:

  1. Market demand:
    The economic level and consumption level of Kazakhstan and its neighboring countries are gradually improving, and the demand for meat and egg products is growing. As an important part of meat industry, chicken industry has strong market demand.
  2. Government support:
    The Kazakh government attaches great importance to the development of agriculture and has implemented a series of policies to support the chicken industry. For example, provide preferential policies, subsidies, loan support, etc., to encourage investors to enter the chicken industry.
  3. Improvement of industrial chain:
    Kazakhstan’s chicken industry chain is relatively complete, including feed production, breeding, breeding, processing and sales. The improvement of the industrial chain helps to reduce the cost of breeding and improve the efficiency of breeding.
  4. Technological progress:
    Kazakhstan’s chicken industry is constantly introducing advanced breeding technology and management experience to improve breeding efficiency and product quality. The application of modern breeding equipment makes the chicken industry have a high production capacity.
  5. Rich feed resources:
    Kazakhstan is sparsely populated and rich in feed resources, such as corn and soybeans. This provides an adequate source of feed for the chicken industry and reduces breeding costs.
  6. Geographical advantage:
    Kazakhstan is located on the border of Europe and Asia, with convenient transportation, which is conducive to the sale and export of meat products. The chicken industry can make full use of this advantage to expand the market space.
  7. Economies of scale:
    Kazakhstan’s chicken industry is gradually developing in the direction of scale and intensification. The advantage of scale economy helps to reduce the cost of breeding and improve the efficiency of breeding.
  8. Disease Prevention and control system:
    Kazakhstan has established a sound animal disease prevention and control system to effectively prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases and ensure the healthy development of the chicken industry.
    To sum up, factors such as market demand, government support, complete industrial chain, technological progress, rich feed resources, geographical advantages, economies of scale and disease prevention and control system have jointly promoted the development of the chicken industry in Kazakhstan. However, it should be noted that the chicken industry also faces some challenges in the development process, such as disease risk, environmental protection, market competition and so on. Therefore, chicken producers need to continuously innovate and improve the level of farming to meet the challenges in the industry.