Why are chickens often sick?

Choosing raising chickens in Poultry Equipment for Sale is to make money. Once a chicken is sick, it will cause a lot of economic losses and it will take up labor. So what are the reasons why chickens are always sick?

1, temperature reasons

If the chicken is under normal conditions, the temperature can be controlled well, but if the chicken has problems, some will raise the temperature again, or some artificial heating will suffocate the chicken house to keep warm, this does not know how to cool down, Too fast or too slow will affect the management of the late chicken, so the temperature should be controlled at this time, or the chicken will be sick.

2, the cause of humidity

The humidity in the house is still good in the early stage, but if the temperature is not reached after half a month, it will cause the house to dry and the dust will increase, the harmful gases will increase, and various pathogenic microorganisms will rise sharply, causing serious damage to the respiratory tract of the flock. Many respiratory diseases, such as air sacs, and stagnation, can occur.

3, ventilation factors

Ventilation in the house is very important, and the chicken farmers understand it, but the ventilation is really difficult to control. If the ventilation is too large, it will cause the chickens to be infected with cold and cold. Ventilation should be operated according to the specific conditions. The pre-ventilation can rely on the feeling, combined with the outside weather to adjust to ensure that the cool air does not blow to the chicken.

4, medication factors

Many chicken farmers are too dependent on drugs, which is easy to cause chicken liver and kidney damage. Many chickens and kidneys are too early pre-drugs, which can cause the use of drugs in the late stage. Before using the medicine, try to improve the chickens with traditional Chinese medicine and micro-ecology. Resistance, prevention and control of glandular gastritis to ensure the gastrointestinal tract to reduce resistance, liver and kidney protection should be done often, while purifying mycoplasma and E. coli. The immune conditions allowed to do so should be done as much as possible to ensure that the flocks grow up in peace after 30 days.