What’s the advantages of raising Native chicken

First, the investment is small and the effect is quick. It grows faster, so it can be sold out in 90 to 100 days. The chicken free-range model has smaller investment and lower risk.

Second, the free-range chickens have a longer stocking time and can be used for food during the stocking period. This not only increases the activity space of the chickens, but also increases the activity of the chickens, so that the illness is naturally less.

Third, reduce labor costs and manageability.

Fourth, in the wild, the chickens can be raised to a healthier life, grow faster, and the breeding time is shortened a lot, thus saving a lot of feeding costs.

Fifth, the economic benefits are good. If you raise the Native chicken, you can eat a lot of nutritious substances in the wild. Therefore, the nutrition, taste and value of the chicken are much higher than those of the chickens raised by the common method in chicken battery cages, so there will be a better price. Development potential.