What to consider when building a chicken house?

There are several aspects to consider when building a chicken house:

  1. Site selection: Choose a place with high terrain, sheltered from wind and sun, good drainage and flat terrain to build the chicken house.
  2. Size: According to the farming method and the degree of automation, determine the number of feeding per chicken house, so as to determine the building area of the chicken house.
  3. Chicken house type: Determine whether the coop is open or closed. Open chicken house is good for ventilation and lighting, but the thermal performance is poor; Enclosed chicken coop is the opposite.
  4. Degree of automation: Consider whether cleaning, feeding, egg picking and other links are manually or mechanically operated. The higher the degree of automation, the lower the labor intensity, but the investment cost will increase accordingly.
  5. Coop layout: According to the number of chickens and feeding methods, reasonable planning of the coop internal layout, including coop arrangement, walkway setting, etc.
  6. Chicken house structure: Choose the right type of chicken house, such as monoclinic chicken house, considering the span, length, height, etc. At the same time, pay attention to the height of the foundation and the ground to prevent the ground from getting wet.
  7. Insulation performance: According to the geographical and climatic characteristics, to ensure that the chicken house has good insulation performance. Insulation materials, such as straw and sawdust, can be used to strengthen the insulation effect of walls and roofs.
  8. Ventilation and light: Ensure adequate ventilation and natural light within the coop. The south wall can be provided with large Windows, and the north wall can be provided with small Windows.
  9. Moisture-proof and waterproof: the walls around the chicken house can be nailed with wood or branches, and the outer layer is covered with a plastic sheet for wind and rain protection.
  10. Ground laying: The ground of the chicken house should be 25 to 35 cm higher than the ground outside the house to prevent moisture. The ground can be paved with bamboo or branches.
  11. Equipment: According to the needs, equipped with ventilation, lighting, feeding, drinking water, cleaning and other equipment.
  12. Budget: According to the actual needs and budget, choose the appropriate materials and equipment, and reasonably plan the cost of chicken house construction.
    Combining the above factors, the chicken coop suitable for chicken growth, easy management, energy saving and environmental protection is built. In the process of construction, it is necessary to adapt to local conditions, make full use of existing resources, reduce costs and improve benefits.

livi Machinery Company provides farmers with complete poultry breeding equipment, including chicken cage, automatic chicken drinking water system, automatic egg collection system and so on.

If you would like to raise chickens or purchase feeding equipment, you can contact us on WhatsApp: +86 17550023390 or Email:[email protected]