What should be paid attention to when raising laying hens in summer?

The high temperature in summer puts higher demands on the management of cages for laying hen, so today we will discuss together what should be paid attention to when raising chickens in summer.

  • Strengthen epidemic prevention and control the occurrence of diseases

In summer, mosquitoes and flies breed, bacteria multiply fast, and chickens are prone to get sick. Therefore, we must strengthen the disinfection of layer chicken cages to prevent the occurrence of epidemic diseases. The hen house is cleaned frequently. Add drugs to the feed regularly to prevent the occurrence of bacterial diseases.

  • Adjust diet nutrition

In the hot season, the chicken intake is relatively reduced. At this time, the diet composition can be adjusted appropriately to ensure that the chicken gets sufficient nutrition. Adding 1%-1.5% of fat to the feed can not only increase the energy level of the feed, but also improve the palatability of the feed and increase the feed intake of chickens.

  • Control the ambient temperature of the chicken house

To reduce the temperature of the chicken house, first, you can take measures such as planting trees or setting up awnings before and after the chicken house, planting grass around the chicken house, and whitening the roof of the chicken house. Second, install water curtains on the door of the chicken house, install electric fans in the chicken house, and spray water on the top of the house and inside the house from time to time to strengthen ventilation management. Third, appropriately reduce the stocking density, reduce and self-produce heat, so as to reduce the house temperature.

  • Strengthen feeding management

In the hot season, the temperature is higher around noon, and the chickens eat less or even refuse to eat. Special feeding methods can be adopted and the feeding time can be changed, that is, less feeding or no feeding from 8 am to 6 pm, but sufficient drinking water (cool well water is better), and feeding before 8 am after 6 o’clock in the afternoon, feed again at night. Where conditions permit, change the powdered feed to pellets and make the feed slightly moist to increase the feed intake of the chickens and reduce the impact of heat stress.

The above are the issues that should be paid attention to when raising layer chickens  in summer. I hope to be helpful.