What kind of automatic chicken raising equipment does modern breeding need?

Modern chicken farm gradually becomes the new climate of chicken industry. Some large chicken farms are also grasping to buy automatic chicken raising equipment. Some farms equipped with modern poultry equipment have achieved obvious breeding benefits. So, what does modern chicken farm equipment basically have?


Automatic chicken cage system. A group of battery chicken cages is mainly composed of top net, bottom net, measuring net and trough. It is divided into layer cage, broiler cage, brood cage, chicken cage and so on. Chickens live in cages and can be taken good care of.

Automatic drinking water equipment. From the point of view of saving water and preventing bacterial contamination. Nipple drinker is the most ideal water supply equipment. But must choose high quality does not leak water fountain. Now cage rearing chickens and laying hens use the most common or V – type tank, regular water supply. But it takes effort to scrub the sink every day. Flat raise when brood can use hanging tower type automatic drinking water device, already sanitation and water saving.



Automatic feeding equipment. The main use of trough, stacked cage chickens are raised with trough. This feeding method can also be used in flat rearing. The shape of the trough has a great influence on the feed scattering of chickens. Trough too shallow, no protection will cause more feed waste.

Automatic mannure removal equipment is mainly composed of muce-hanging board, wire rope and reduction motor, which are generally used in one area and two areas. Can create a good living environment for the chicken, so that the chicken more healthy growth.


The above is the poultry equipment manufacturers to share the most commonly used automated poultry farms now chicken equipment. Hope that the above introduction, can let poultry farmers to chicken raising equipment can have more understanding.