What are the reasons for the high cost of the chicken cage chicken model?

Chicken cage chicken is the main breeding method in the chicken industry today, and it is also the basic equipment for large-scale farmers to achieve intensification and scale. However, it is well known that the cost of breeding is higher when using cage culture than in flat breeding. A lot, so why the cost of using chicken cages to raise chickens will be higher? What are the advantages of chickens in chicken cages? The following is a small series of reasons for farmers to analyze the high cost of chicken cages.

1. The chicken cage equipment adopts the multi-layer cage method, which means that the chicken battery cages culture method can not be compared with the single-layer chicken cage. The multi-layered three-dimensional culture used in the current chicken cage farming has three layers, four layers or even more layers, so the use of chicken cage farming can breed three or four times more or even more laying hens or broilers than other flat farming methods. Moreover, the area utilization rate of the chicken house has been increased, and the number has increased. The income of the farmers will naturally increase much more than before.

2. Since it is a multi-layered chicken cage, it must be carried out from the ground. The area above the chicken house is also used, and the broiler in the cage will fall off the ground or conveyor belt after it has produced feces. Above the clearing dung belt, the chickens do not directly contact the feces, which reduces the problems caused by fecal infections, naturally improves the quality and cost of the egg broiler chickens, making the chickens grow stronger and make the outing time greatly early and increase the benefits.

3. There is also the use of chicken cages to raise laying hens and broilers. Laying hens and broilers have lived in chicken cages for a long time. The breeding density is relatively large, so there is little room for chicken activities, and the broiler activity is less. The energy will be reduced, the required feed will be reduced, and the cage can effectively save the feed cost by more than 20%.

Chickens must choose the right chicken cage in order to collect good eggs, in order to raise healthier broilers, in order to bring greater economic benefits to the chicken farm.