What are the preventive measures for raising chickens in spring?

In the spring, the temperature rises, and bacteria and viruses begin to grow and reproduce. Therefore, spring diseases are also prone to occur. It is necessary for farmers to take precautions early, so what are the precautions for using chicken battery cages in Ghana to raise chickens?

1. Prevent disease

Various diseases of chickens can occur in all seasons, but spring is a season of microbial growth. Insects such as mosquitoes and flies also start to breed. This is the season of high incidence of bacterial diseases and parasitic diseases, plus the dry weather and windy sand in spring. The climate characteristics such as large temperature difference between day and night promote the occurrence of various respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of respiratory, intestinal and parasitic diseases in spring.

Master the tips of chicken house disinfection for cleaning chicken living standard.

2. Prevent temperature and humidity

Appropriate temperature and humidity are the key to the growth of chickens. The temperature in the house is generally 18-22 °C. The temperature in the daytime is higher in the daytime and the temperature in the night is lower. However, the temperature difference between day and night in the breeding process should be controlled at 5 °C. Generally in the range of 50% -70%, higher or lower than the appropriate humidity is not conducive to the growth of chicken. Therefore, we must do a good job of temperature and humidity control measures.
3. Prevent ventilation

The core of the ventilation management of the house is to meet the respiration of the flock, adjust the temperature and humidity of the house and eliminate the residual amount of harmful gases in the house. The ventilation of the spring house should meet at least the minimum respiration of the flock, that is, 0.4 m3/h per kg of body weight per chicken; if conditions permit, it is best to achieve a suitable ventilation volume, ie 1.2 m3/kg per kilogram of body weight per chicken. Keep the air quality in the house well.

4. Prevent nutrition

In the most suitable conditions of temperature, humidity, humidity, ventilation, illuminance and other environments, it is the most suitable period for the production of chickens. Each function can grow at a high speed. At this time, it is necessary to appropriately improve the nutritional level of the diet to meet the nutritional needs of the chickens and promote their suitability. Growing.