Three major mistakes in disinfection

Misunderstanding 1: No disease is not disinfected. The main purpose of disinfection is to kill the pathogens of the source of infection. There are three basic conditions for the occurrence of infectious diseases: the source of infection, the route of transmission, and susceptible animals. Poultry disinfection must be timely and effective, specifically pay attention to the following three links: disinfection in the poultry house, disinfection outside the room and disinfection of drinking water. The poultry house should be disinfected no less than 3 times a week, and the environment should be disinfected once a week. The drinking water should always be disinfected and cleaned.

Misunderstanding 2: Infectious diseases will not occur after disinfection. This idea is wrong, because although it is disinfected, it does not necessarily receive the effect of completely killing the pathogen, which is related to factors such as the disinfectant selected and the method of disinfection. There are many disinfection methods for disinfection blind spots. Moreover, many pathogens can be transmitted through various media such as air, birds, and mice. Even with strict disinfection measures, it is difficult to completely cut off the route of transmission. Therefore, in addition to strict disinfection, poultry breeding should be combined with the breeding situation and the occurrence and epidemic of disease, and targeted immunization to ensure the safety of poultry.

Misunderstanding 3: Use the same type of disinfectant for a long time. Long-term use of the same type of disinfectant will cause bacterial, viral and other drug resistance, which will increase the difficulty of killing bacteria and viruses in the future. Therefore, it is best for poultry farmers to use several different types and types of disinfectants alternately to improve the disinfection effect in poultry cages for sale.