The solution to produce ammonia smell in the house

There are more and more people raising chickens, but there are many things to pay attention to when raising chickens. How should ammonia in the house be solved?

Chicken raising For the winter, everyone tends to pay attention to the cold and warmth of the house, ignoring the ventilation, so that the concentration of harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, especially ammonia in the house is increased. Warm and humid chicken houses, poor ventilation, high stocking density, and repeated use of litter will increase the ammonia concentration. Due to the low temperature in winter, the moisture content of the feces discharged by the chicken is large, and the ventilation of the chicken house is poor, the ammonia concentration is high, and it is easy to cause chicken ammonia poisoning and respiratory problems. Therefore, in the winter, the ammonia in the chicken house must be removed. To the following conditions


Reasonable construction of the chicken house must be built in a place with high dryness, convenient drainage and good ventilation. There should be sufficient exhaust vents on the side or top of the house to ensure that harmful gases can be removed in time. The house should be made of concrete to facilitate cleaning and disinfection. Keep it clean and dry, keep the inside and outside of the house clean and hygienic, clean and dry in the house, remove the manure in the house in time, and prevent the chicken dung from staying in the house for too long and produce a lot of harmful gases. Prevent the accumulation of sewage around the chicken house and avoid the accumulation of feces everywhere to minimize the generation of harmful gases in poultry cage equipment.

According to the nutritional needs of chickens, prepare a full-price diet to avoid the lack of nutrients in the diet, insufficient or excessive, especially pay attention to the level of crude protein in the diet should not be too high, otherwise it will cause protein digestion and exhaustion to produce excessive nitrogen. . At the same time, according to the feed intake of the chicken, the feed amount is appropriately increased or decreased to prevent the mold from being moldy in the trough for a long time. Do a good job of greening around the chicken house to make full use of green plants to absorb the carbon dioxide gas emitted by the chicken body to purify the surrounding environment of the chicken house, to create a good chicken production and control the density of the chickens. The breeding density in the chicken house should not be too large. In the management, we must pay attention to the hygiene of the chicken house and clean it in time.