The reason why chickens will lose feather

The phenomenon of Chicken feather loss is very common in raising chicken for chicken cages for sale.Generally, the feather loss is in the neck and back, but the reason for chicken feather loss is relatively complicated. What are the reasons?

 1. Nutritional reasons, the growth of feathers and the maintenance of normal structure require proper nutrition. If it is lack of nutrients related to the growth of chicken feathers, it will make its hair texture brittle, easily broken, and lack of nutrients. The occurrence of skin inflammation leads to the phenomenon of feathering. Ensure the nutritional balance of the feed, if there is hair loss, check the feed formula and replace it in time.

2. For environmental reasons, in the hot season, the chicken will have a small amount of feather loss in order to dissipate the heat in the body. Frequent power outages or forgetting to turn off the lights and changing the time of switching lights will lead to a decrease in egg production rate and depilation. Especially in the spring and summer, the light suddenly increases, causing the chicken to be unsuitable for stress, which can easily lead to hair loss of the chicken. Allow the chicken to be in a temperature environment suitable for growth, reduce the density of breeding, and enhance ventilation. The lighting time must be fixed, and different growth stages provide different illumination durations.

3. Management reasons, unreasonable cages can also cause chickens to lose feather. When the chickens are out of the cage during feeding and drinking, the feathers in the neck often rub against the front nets. The hen’s neck feathers are broken or detached.

4. The cause of the disease, chickens are often accompanied by feather loss after getting some diseases, such as parasites and viral diseases, flu and so on. In the breeding, we must strengthen disease prevention and control measures to ensure the safe growth of chickens, and timely treatment after the disease is discovered to prevent the disease from continuing to deteriorate.