The perfect cage for broiler chicken

As a breeder, you must know that chickens can only grow better in a comfortable environment, and our automatic chicken cages can do it.

First of all, chicken battery cages can effectively use the land.Because the chicken cages are layer by layer, it is several times more than free-range breeding, which is more conducive to centralized management of chickens.

Secondly, it reduces environmental pollution. We all know that the gas produced by poorly handled chicken manure will pollute the environment. However, there are many advantages if using automatic chicken cages, because chicken are grown in chicken coops, so that chicken manure can be processed centrally, for example, chicken manure can be sold to farmers. This not only increases the economic income of farmers, but also reduces environmental pollution.

Next, reduce feeding costs. We all know that feed is essential in daily breeding. If you use automatic chicken raising equipment, first of all, it will automatically feed the chicken coop and feed it regularly. This way, increase and decrease the feed according to the growth trend of the chickens. This can effectively avoid the large area waste caused by manual feeding. Can reduce manual intervention. Secondly, they can enable the chickens to be managed centrally, and can reasonably control the feed, thereby reducing feed costs and increasing the utilization rate of feed.

A very important point is that most chicken coops are now equipped with related automation equipment, such as: environmental control system, gantry automatic feeding machine, manure removal equipment, ladder type automatic feeding machine, etc. They realize automatic management: through the setting of the central control computer system, the automatic management of temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, roller blinds, etc in the house is realized. With the existence of these equipment, raising chickens has become an easy task.

I believe that after reading the above content, the breeder already knows what the perfect chicken cage is and the advantages of using an automatic chicken cage. If you want to know more, please remember to contact us.