The main factors that affect the water demand of chickens when using layer cages to raise chickens

Water quality

Raising chickens in layer chicken cages has higher requirements for water. Water has less impurities. If there are more minerals in the water, the chicken will drink less water. In addition, when drugs are added to the water, it can reduce the amount of water the chickens drink. Therefore, farmers need to provide clean, fresh and clean drinking water for chickens.


Under the production conditions of caged laying hens, due to environmental temperature changes, the amount of water consumed by the chickens will vary greatly. For example, the amount of drinking water is usually increased when the temperature is high. Every time the ambient temperature increases by one degree, the drinking water will increase by 7%. When the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, the chicken’s water consumption decreases. Farmers need to know that the temperature of drinking water will also affect the amount of water the chickens drink. Chickens like cold water and don’t like water above ambient temperature.

Production performance

The use of modern chicken battery cages to raise chickens requires relatively high water sources. For example: Adult chickens drink more water than chicks. Among chickens of the same body weight, water shortage occurs faster in young chickens than in adult chickens.