The laying equipment manufacturers talk about the main points of chicken prevention

First, we must start from the hatchery of the regular generation of health: the beginning of raising chickens is to buy chickens, the purchase of chickens will also affect the prevalence of the late flocks, because if the farmers buy from birth For chickens with diseases, no matter how the farmers raise them, it is difficult to heal, not only has a high prevalence rate, but also has a growth performance that is not as good as a healthy chicken group. Therefore, when selecting chickens, farmers should not be tempted to choose cheap and no guarantee. Irregular, unhealthy hatcheries in the breeding flocks buy chickens.

Second, the cleaning of the environment around the chicken house and layer cages for sale: in the daily feeding process, raise the environment around the chicken house, the qualified farmers can choose to clean every day, in addition to pay attention to the regular disinfection of the chicken house, It can effectively kill the pathogenic microorganisms in the chicken house and prevent the disease. However, the farmers should pay attention to cleaning the house before disinfection, so that the disinfection effect will be better.



Third, to ensure the health of the chickens drinking water: water is a healthy growth of the chickens, the chickens need to drink water every day, water is a prerequisite for the healthy growth of the chickens, but many farmers do not pay attention to the quality and health of the water In fact, the quality of drinking water is related to the health problems of egg broilers. Therefore, the water given by the farmers to the chickens should meet the drinking water standards. Drinking water containing bacteria, dirt and impurities should not be given to the chickens.

Fourth, do a good job in drug prevention: In addition to infectious diseases need to use immunization to prevent, many diseases can be prevented by drugs, farmers should use the drug according to the purpose of the drug and the nature of the drug itself Determine the method of rational scientific administration. Preventive medication is generally mixed with water or water, which saves labor and time; for individual treatment, it is usually oral or injection, so the dosage is accurate and the effect is true.

Fifth. Formulate a reasonable immunization program for chicken in layer battery cage: experienced farmers understand that immunization is the key and key to how to prevent chickens. Therefore, the work of immunization cannot be ignored. Farmers should be based on the disease epidemic in the area. The situation and the actual situation of the flock of chickens to determine and develop a reasonable immunization program, and choose high-quality vaccines and immunization methods for immunization, only the scientific and rational implementation of all aspects can ensure the effectiveness of immunization.