The importance of raising chickens in chicken farms

According to the farmer’s idea, some of the broiler cages have chicken battery cage for broilers . After all, there are many advantages to using chicken cages to raise chickens. The advantages and importance of using cages for broiler cages are also many.


Firstly, if there are more broiler chickens in the broiler cage, the broiler cage can raise the chicken house space and save the land resources. The broiler cage culture cages are layered and raised, and the number of layers varies from three to six. According to the size of the chicken house, the type of broiler cage culture can be selected. The cage can save 50~-60% of the land area, and can maximize the benefits of the house space and save land area.


Secondly, it is easy to improve the breeding environment of the chicken house and improve the survival rate. The survival rate of the cages using the broiler cages is higher than that of the online breeding, and the average survival rate is increased by 2.82%. There are four main reasons for this. The first point is that the cage technology is changed to the traditional open greenhouse, which is a fully enclosed chicken house. The small environment control of the chicken house is realized, so that the broiler breeding is no longer affected by external environmental factors, effectively reducing the epidemic infection and pathogens. Probability of diffusion. The second point is that the caged chicken house has a small inspection range. The breeder can find the weak and sick chickens in time and pick them up for isolation observation or separate breeding, which greatly improves the survival rate of the chickens and the cure rate of the sick chickens. The third point is that the caged broilers are in contact with each other and have a small range of activities, which can effectively control the spread of the disease and reduce cross-infection. The fourth point is
that the chicken house is equipped with an automatic decontamination conveyor belt to clean the feces out of the house in time, reducing the amount of harmful gases such as ammonia and sulfur dioxide, and effectively improving the breeding environment in the chicken house.


The use of chicken poultry farming cage to raise chickens reduces fecal pollution and improves the convenience of manure. The manure in the cages is cleaned up by conveyor belts in a timely manner, and the feces are relatively dry, which is easy to process by microbial fermentation technology. The treated stools are sold at a higher price than online breeding. It can not only improve the economic benefits of farm households, but also solve the problems of fecal pollution and biosafety. It can also save farming costs and increase economic benefits.