Temperature control at different stages of raising broilers

Temperature restrictions in different periods will also continue to affect the healthy growth of broiler chickens. During the broiler breeding process, the temperature control in the chicken house is the key to affecting the chicken flock. If the temperature in the chicken house is too high or too low, it will affect the healthy growth of the chicken flock. Therefore, temperature control at different stages of raising broilers is also important.


1. Brooding period: During the brooding period, the breeder must set the temperature of the chicken house before entering the chicks, and keep the chickens warm in advance, so that they will not feel cold after entering the chicken house. Generally, the chicken house where broiler cages raise chickens They are all closed chicken coops for brooding. Before brooding, adjust the thermal insulation equipment in the chicken coop, check whether the radiator and pipes are leaking or not hot, to avoid dead spots; generally, the temperature required for chicks is around 30℃, so Breeders must heat the chicken coop to 26°C before entering the chicks to keep warm in advance. Because caged broilers adopt the whole house brooding method, the brooding space is large, adjust the temperature in the chicken house to ensure that the temperature is uniform to avoid the phenomenon of too large temperature differences.



2. Controlling the temperature in the chicken house during the broiler period: raising broiler chicks generally requires a relatively high temperature to allow the chicken to adapt and grow healthily. During the brooding period, the breeder can keep the temperature of the chicken house at about 33℃, and then the brooding period Decrease 0.5°C every week thereafter. Because chicks themselves have a low ability to regulate body temperature within 7 days of age, the temperature in the brooding house should be kept constant within 7 days of age. The breeder should always check the temperature in the chicken coop to avoid fluctuating high and low temperatures, which may reduce the resistance of the chicks.


3. The temperature control in the chicken house during the growing period: The growing period of broilers generally refers to the broiler chickens from the age of 7 days to the slaughter. Starting from the brooding period, the temperature is reduced by 0.5 ℃ every week, from the age of 21 days to the time of slaughter. From now on, the temperature of the chicken house should be maintained at about 26°C.It is useful for farmer who use poultry farming battery cage system in nigeria