Some key technologies to improve chicken efficiency

We should pay attention to several problems when using chicken battery cages to raise chickens in chicken farms, so that we can improve the efficiency of raising chickens. First of all, we must choose some large feed manufacturers to feed the whole family or choose a good quality and high reputation. The premix is ​​strictly in accordance with the nutritional needs of the chicken, scientifically and rationally formulated to avoid the occurrence of some nutritional metabolic diseases or poisoning diseases.

Develop a scientific and rational immunization program, choose the appropriate vaccine, the vaccine should come from the formal bio-manufacturer, check the outer packaging should be marked with the approval number, production date, expiration date, no cracks and loose caps, according to the conditions stated Storage and transportation. Immunization methods should be properly inoculated, including nose drops, eye drops, injections, drinking water, and mixes. The use of various vaccines is strictly and cannot be changed at will. After the vaccine has been diluted, it must be discarded within a certain period of time.




Maintaining a suitable temperature, the suitable temperature for laying eggs is 13-20 °C. The temperature is too high and too low to have adverse effects on laying eggs. Therefore, in summer, it is necessary to close the doors and windows, reduce the ventilation and strive for the temperature. Maintaining proper humidity, excessive humidity is not conducive to heat dissipation in chickens in summer, but also facilitates the development of pathogenic microorganisms and parasites and the occurrence of epidemics; if the humidity is too small, it is too dry and easily causes respiratory diseases.

To maintain reasonable illumination, the hen should reach the standard weight at 18 weeks of age and should gradually increase the light. Generally, the average incandescent light bulb is 2 meters above the ground. The average is 3 watts per square meter. It can be increased by 30 minutes per week until 16 hours. Appropriate ventilation can adjust the indoor temperature and humidity, reduce the concentration of harmful gases, supplement the role of oxygen, increase the resistance of the chicken body, and reduce the occurrence of respiratory diseases. Timely elimination of old, weak, sick and residual chickens can save feed, reduce epidemics, and increase the egg production rate of chickens. Avoid large stress Some stress factors such as noise, refueling, fright, vaccination, weather changes, etc. can have an adverse effect on laying eggs. Usually, drink some electrolysis to create a quiet environment in poultry farming equipment for sale.

In summary, in the process of large-scale and professional development of the chicken industry, it is not only by increasing capital investment and hardware facilities that the chicken industry can achieve its goal. The farmers must update their operations in time to introduce, feed protection, and epidemic prevention. In order to further expand the experience of large-scale farming and storage management, we will continue to enrich and improve the knowledge reserve while achieving good economic benefits.