Solution to the problem of chicken ventilation in summer

The most concern in summer is the temperature management of the chicken house. Once improperly managed, it will cause heat stress in the chicken to cause heatstroke. When the house temperature is 28 °C, the relative humidity of the house is 70%, the body temperature of the chicken is 22~23 °C when the wind speed is 2m/s, and the body temperature of the chicken is 24~ when the wind speed is 1.5m/s. 25 ° C; wind speed of 1 m / s, the body temperature of the chicken is 25.5 ~ 26 ° C. Some farms only consider the high temperature conditions in summer, ignoring the high temperature and high humidity climate, in order to save investment. There are few fan configurations. In high temperature and high humidity weather, the humidity of the wet curtain is low, and the ventilation temperature can be reduced to reduce the body temperature of the chicken. It is also possible that the quality of the fan is not good and the performance is unstable. We should be more diligent in maintaining the use of the fan.



The deaths of older chickens suddenly increased, and the time of death mainly occurred in the evening, mainly the chickens with larger weight. When the heat stress index of the house environment is higher than 165, the above phenomenon occurs. When the heat stress index is greater than 170, a large number of deaths occur. The more common situation is that the humidity in the house is too high, the wind speed is low, and the temperature is too high. The most common operation error in this case is to turn off the fan or reduce the number of fan opening when the spray is cooled. Always maintain proper ventilation when the spray is cooled; slightly increase ventilation during high temperature and high humidity. Remedial measures are not timely after a power outage in summer Poultry Breeding Equipment

The chicken coop is too long. The chicken houses in the large-scale chicken farms are getting longer and longer. The flat-bred chicken houses are 120 meters, even 150 meters, and the cages are more than 80-100 meters. During the flow of cryogenic air from the head end to the trailing end, the heat generated by the chicken continuously increases the temperature of the flowing air, resulting in a temperature at the end of the tail that is higher than the temperature at the tip end. The longer the house, the greater the temperature difference. For houses over 120 meters long, try to install a wet curtain on the side wall in the middle of the house. Fans are installed at both ends of the house, but the investment in such fans and wet curtains is doubled in chicken cages prices in South Africa .