Several conditions for building a chicken house

If you have a large number of chickens, you will choose to build a chicken house with poultry equipment for sale, but there are several conditions for building a new house.

1. Conducive to ventilation

Sometimes you will choose to build a window house to use the natural wind and the airflow formed by the temperature difference inside and outside the house to ventilate. The windows should be able to open and close, so that the airflow can be adjusted according to the needs of different seasons. With the temperature change, how much temperature can be adjusted by opening windows: hot weather, open all windows, reduce the temperature; cold winter, close all windows to facilitate insulation Please note: Do not use ammonia in winter, because the ammonia produced by chicken manure and the carbon dioxide exhaled by chicken. If the concentration is too high, the chicken will be poisoned. After the laying hens are poisoned, the laying rate of the flocks decreases and the mortality rate increases; and after the chickens are poisoned, the poisoning environment can be changed. However, it is difficult to restore normal egg production. Therefore, insulation and ventilation must be handled properly.

2. Can benefit natural light and control natural light or suitable for artificial light

During the various stages of growth and development of the chicken, the required illumination time and illumination intensity are different; however, the change of sunshine time in the natural world changes with the season is constant. Therefore, open houses use natural light. It does not necessarily coincide with the needs of laying hens. Scientific feeding of laying hens is based on the light demand of each layer of growth and development of the laying hens, timely blocking natural light and artificial light filling, so that the laying hens that are raised in any season can develop normally and start production in time.

3. Good thermal insulation performance

The temperature has a direct impact on the growth and production of laying hens and laying eggs. For example, the optimum temperature for laying hens is 15 to 25 ° C. Therefore, to achieve the optimum temperature for laying hens, planting trees, shading, planting flowers and grasses around the shed can not only green the environment, It also prevents radiant heat and changes the microclimate of the house.

4. Conducive to epidemic prevention

The floor and walls of the sterilized house are preferably cemented to facilitate the cleaning of the faeces and cleaning and disinfection.

5. Rational use of space