Sanitary management of chicken house environment in intensive chicken farm

The clean management of the chicken house environment is very important for a long time. Automatic chicken cages to raise chickens and chickens all live in cages. The environment of the chicken coop has a great impact on the growth and development of the chickens. Therefore, it is very important to do a good job of cleaning the chicken coop.


Disinfect the chicken house frequently. The chicken coop, the floor of the chicken house, and the clothing of the staff in the chicken house must be disinfected frequently.


Always investigate the growth status of the chickens in the chicken coop. Once the chickens are found to be sick and weak. Isolation and treatment should be carried out in time. Some chicken flocks that are about to die should be eliminated in time.

Regularly clean up and disinfect the chicken’s diet and drinking water equipment.


It is best to sort out the manure produced in the chicken house on the same day. Do not allow chicken manure to stay in the chicken house for too long. So as not to cause the transmission of bacteria and make chickens infected with diseases.


The above is the management method for the clean environment in the chicken house shared by the poultry chicken farming equipment manufacturers. I hope that today’s narration can be helpful to farmers.