Precautions for raising chickens in layer chicken cages

Now that the breeding industry is developing rapidly, more and more farmers are preparing to expand the scale. Therefore, laying hen breeding equipment has become one of the most popular equipment among farmers. In order to help everyone better use modern chicken breeding equipment to raise layers, let’s discuss today that precautions for raising chickens in layer chicken cages.

The only source of food for chickens growing in chicken coops is feed. Farmers should pay attention to the choice of feed to ensure that the chickens can get enough nutrition. Only in this way can chickens grow better and create more economic benefits for farmers.

Provide plenty of good activity space. When using automatic chicken breeding equipment, farmers should pay attention to the feeding density of the layer cages. Generally, 8 chickens per square meter, in winter, it is recommended to 10 chickens per square meter, and 35 chickens per square meter for brooding.

It is very important to do a good job of immune protection. Because chickens all live together in chicken house. It is very important to do a good job of epidemic prevention work in order to avoid large-scale illnesses of chickens.

Here, we should remind farmers that when using automatic chicken raising equipment, they should pay attention to keeping the litter in the layer cages clean, tidy and dry, and at the same time disinfect the chicken house.

The above are the things you should pay attention to when raising chickens using modern chicken cages . I hope it can help everyone.