Pay attention to three points when using chicken cages to raise chickens

It is a cumbersome thing to raise chickens. Everything has to be done by yourself, whether it is building a chicken house or choosing equipment, and daily management. Therefore, it is necessary for the farmers to master certain skills and experience, and they can take less detours in these aspects. Therefore, the author will share the three notes on using chicken cages in Uganda to raise chickens, for the farmers to refer to, and bring some suggestions to the farmers.

1. Choosing poultry farming equipment manufacturers: The choice of equipment for cage chickens is especially important. Chicken cages are the most basic equipment in cage equipment. Different varieties, choose different cages. The style of the cage can be divided into steps and cascading. Choosing a chicken cage from a regular poultry equipment manufacturers can effectively reduce the incidence of disease and accelerate the growth of chickens. And the cage has a long service life, which effectively reduces the cost. When choosing an additional automation device, you should also carefully select it. The automation equipment includes automatic feeding machine, automatic quenching machine, automatic cleaning machine and three core equipments. When choosing these devices, choose a device that is easy to operate, safe and stable. This will minimize the impact on the chicken. Choosing these devices has the same premise of choosing a regular manufacturer.

2. Breeding density: The breeding density should be determined according to the breeds cultivated by the farmers. In order to make the chickens grow, it is necessary to pay attention to the accommodation standards of the chicken cages and not to be crowded. If the density is too large, the position of the trough and the sink in each chicken is insufficient, and the chicken can not eat at the same time, there will be a strong difference between the strong and the weak, and it is prone to sputum, the body of the chicken is defective, bald, bald, light back, etc. The phenomenon is a common phenomenon in which the density of breeding is too large. Maintaining proper activity space is important for exercising and strengthening the development of the heart, lungs, muscles and skeletal system of young chickens. A robust, well-groomed flock is a prerequisite for high yields.

3. Maintain ventilation: Most farmers only pay attention to keeping the house warm, neglecting to ventilate the house. While maintaining the proper temperature of the house, good ventilation is extremely important. Exclude harmful gases and supply the chicken with adequate oxygen. Keep the relative temperature and humidity in the house suitable. Reduce the persistence of pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses in the house. The life of the chicken is inseparable from oxygen. Adequate oxygen can promote the metabolism of the chicken, maintain the health of the chicken, grow rapidly, and increase the feed conversion rate. It can eliminate harmful gases and supply enough oxygen to the chickens. Keep the relative temperature and humidity in the house suitable. Reduce the persistence of pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses in the house. It also removes water, ammonia, dust and excess heat from the house, keeping the house free of odor and providing enough fresh air for the flock. If the ventilation is poor, the concentration of ammonia will make the chicken sick. For example, emphysema, pulmonary edema, pericardial effusion and other diseases are caused by poor ventilation, which will cause serious losses to production.

The above is the three points that the authors share when raising chickens. I hope to help farmers.