New opportunities for large-scale farming in Guinea: 50,000 chicken cages sold

With the strong support of Chinese enterprises, the development of Guinea’s aquaculture industry has taken a new step. Recently, 50,000 chicken cages were successfully sold to a large local farm in Guinea, providing a strong guarantee for the local livestock industry.
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  1. Background
    Guinea is located in tropical west Africa, rich in natural resources and has a population of about 12 million. In recent years, the cooperation between China and Guinea in the field of agriculture has been strengthened, in order to improve the level of aquaculture in Guinea, our enterprises actively send advanced aquaculture technology and equipment to Guinea.
  2. Win-win cooperation
    With the support of Chinese enterprises, a large local farm in Guinea has carried out large-scale breeding projects. With a total investment of about $10 million and an area of about 100 hectares, the project aims to increase Guinea’s self-sufficiency in meat products and meet the needs of the domestic market.
  3. Chicken cage sales help the development of breeding industry
    In order to meet the hardware needs of the farm, Chinese companies provided 50,000 high-quality chicken coops to the project. These chicken coops are made of high-strength materials with good corrosion resistance and durability, ensuring a safe and comfortable breeding environment. At the same time, the design of the chicken cage meets the requirements of animal welfare, which is conducive to the growth and reproduction of chickens.
  4. Technical support and training
    In order to ensure the smooth operation of farms, Chinese enterprises also provide a full range of technical support for Guinea farms, including feeding management, disease prevention and control, feed formula and other aspects. In addition, the company also organized training for Guinean aquaculture technicians to China to learn advanced aquaculture technology and improve the overall management level.
    Step 5: Meaning
    The successful sale of 50,000 chicken cages marks a new stage in the development of Guinea’s breeding industry. Through the introduction of China’s advanced aquaculture technology and equipment, Guinea’s aquaculture industry will continue to improve production capacity and quality, and make positive contributions to local economic development and the improvement of people’s livelihood. At the same time, the project also provides an opportunity for Chinese enterprises to explore the African market and helps promote in-depth cooperation in the agricultural field between the two countries.
  5. Future outlook
    With the joint efforts of both sides, Guinea’s aquaculture industry is expected to achieve sustainable development and further meet the needs of the domestic market. In the future, Chinese enterprises will continue to provide high-quality products and services for Guinea, help the prosperity of Guinea’s aquaculture industry, and create more benefits for the two peoples.
    The development of aquaculture in Guinea cannot be separated from our support and help. Under the Belt and Road Initiative, agricultural cooperation between the two countries is deepening, injecting a strong impetus to the revitalization of Guinea’s aquaculture industry. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, Guinea’s aquaculture industry will usher in a better tomorrow.