Laying condition of laying hens

The laying of laying hens is affected by many factors, including breed, feeding management, feed nutrition and so on. Here are some examples of common layers:

  1. Roman powder shell laying hens: The survival rate of parent breeders from 1 to 18 weeks of age is 96% to 98%, the opening day is 147-154 days, the peak laying rate is 89% to 92%, the house hens from 72 weeks of age produce 266-276 eggs, produce 238-250 qualified breeding eggs, and produce 90-100 female chicks. The survival rate at 19 to 72 weeks was 94 to 96 percent.
  2. Isha Brown Layer Chicken: The fertility rate of 0-20 weeks is 97%-98%, the weight of 20 weeks is 1.6 kg, the laying rate of 21 weeks is 5%, the laying rate of 23 weeks is 50%, the laying rate of 25 weeks is the peak laying time, the peak laying rate is 93%, the human house chickens of 76 weeks are 292 eggs, and the daily production is 302 eggs. The average egg weight is 62.5 grams, the total egg weight is 18.2 kg, and the feed to egg ratio is 2.4:1. At the end of laying period, the hens weighed 2.25 kg and had a survival rate of 93%.
  3. Roman Brown Layer: 6kg; The average egg weight of chickens aged 12 months was 63.5-64.5 g, the total egg weight of human chickens was 18.2-18.8 kg, and the consumption of eggs per kg was 2.3-2.4 kg. Weight at the end of laying period 2.2-2.4 kg; The survival rate of hens during the laying period is 94%-96%.

To improve the laying rate and egg quality of laying hens, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Control the weight of laying hens before opening, so that laying hens can reach the standard weight when opening labor, and avoid premature labor.
  2. Ensure the nutritional composition of the feed, and rationally match the feed, and appropriately add soybean powder, cooked rapeseed cake, corn pollen and other nutrients.
  3. Strengthen feeding management, keep the chicken house clean and sanitary, avoid bacterial infection.
  4. Control the breeding density of laying hens to avoid health problems caused by crowding.
  5. Observe the behavior changes of laying hens, and promptly discover and deal with problems that may affect egg production.
  6. Provide adequate water source to ensure safe drinking water for laying hens.
  7. Check the health status of laying hens regularly, vaccinate them in time to prevent diseases.

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