Layer chicken equipment manufacturers tell you what is breeding artificial lighting

More and more farmers are raising chickens. We all know that a series of preparations must be made before large-scale farming begins.

The first is the length of light in the chicken coop. Layer chicken equipment manufacturers recommends. The artificial lighting time needs to be set according to the different stages of the chicken. The number of hours of light in a day is generally not less than 8 hours in the rearing period, but not more than 10 hours, and the best laying period is 16 hours.

In the layer chicken cage , the light duration cannot be increased suddenly or decreased. Because this is very bad for the growth and development of chickens. It should be noted that each increase should not exceed 1 hour. Also, the lighting time during the rearing period can only be shortened, not extended. On the contrary, the laying period can only be extended, not shortened


The proper time of sunlight in the chicken house is also very important. It is important to know that at the age of 18 weeks, the hens can start to increase the light to promote their sexual development, but it is more reasonable to start to increase the light stimulation according to whether the body weight meets the requirements. For young hens weighing less than 1000 grams in the chicken house, light stimulation is used to induce premature production, which is extremely unfavorable for its growth and development.

Farmers must have a fixed lighting program, and once the lighting program is determined, it must be strictly followed and cannot be changed at will. There is also need to ensure adequate nutrition before laying hens.

Laying hen farmers should pay attention. The chicken coop should control the light time reasonably. For example, about 14 hours of light is used to reduce the physical consumption of the laying hens, so that they have a short rest. When the next year is warmer, the egg production rate will rebound faster and the peak value will be higher.