Introduction and selection of automatic chicken raising equipment

With the trend of intensive chicken raising, automatic chicken raising equipment has become indispensable in poultry farms. Today, chicken farm equipment manufacturers for you to understand and choose poultry equipment.

Automatic chicken raising equipment, to be precise, is divided into two kinds, one is ladder automation equipment, one is cascade automation equipment.

Chicken cage also known as A type chicken cages. Generally 3 or 4 tiers for easy maintenance and repair, you can follow the steps to control the cage system.

Wholesale layer battery cgaes equipment for different countries poultry market.

Battery chicken cage system for sale. It’s just tier upon tier. The cages require highly accurate automation to complete the entire chicken rearing process.

If your poultry farm has 5,000-20,000 birds, it is recommended that you purchase A type chicken cages. If you have more than 20,000 birds on your farm, it is recommended to use an automated battery cage. One person can easily manage an entire chicken farm.

Characteristics of automated poultry farming equipment:

1. Save labor and reduce labor intensity.

2. Optimize the breeding environment and indoor air quality.

3. Feed feeding and drug prevention can be carried out accurately.

Fully automatic chicken raising equipment can do not need artificial feed supply, uninterrupted water supply, automatic cleaning of chicken manure, automatic collection of eggs, finished chickens only need to be received in a corner of the workshop with a chicken cage. The air in the chicken house can be fully controlled for ventilation. 

Chicken farm equipment manufacturers suggest from a rich experience of manufacturers to buy automatic chicken equipment. It can not only ensure the quality of the equipment for a long time, but also have good service.