Introduction and Selection of Automatic Chicken Raising Equipment

In today’s chicken industry, the ways and methods of raising chickens are no longer the same as before. The continuous development of science and technology has driven the progress of the chicken industry, and chicken raising is developing towards a large-scale and intensive method. Nowadays, chicken raising is no longer an all-manual era. The emergence of all kinds of automated chicken raising equipment allows farmers to experience the ease of man-managed equipment and equipment to raise chickens. Let’s talk about the introduction and selection of automated chicken raising equipment. .

Among the chicken breeding equipment, the automatic chicken breeding equipment mainly includes: automatic manure cleaner, egg picker, feeding machine and other equipment, which can make the chicken house of the breeder automatically clean manure, feed, and pick up eggs. Work, free the hands of the farmers, and allow the farmers more time to manage the chickens. The advantages of using these equipment for chicken work are:





1. It can realize large-scale chicken raising by farmers. The use of these equipment and the method of layer cage breeding can allow farmers to breed tens of thousands of layer hens, and they can also be easily managed. The economic benefits of natural farmers are more numerous. Increased a lot.


2. The use of automated equipment can ensure the environment of the chicken house. For example, the manure cleaner can automatically clean the manure at regular intervals, and timely remove the manure produced by the chicken flock, so that the probability of the chicken house producing bacteria and ammonia is reduced, and the chicken house environment is good. The chickens grow naturally.


3. Without these automated equipment, farmers need to hire manpower to complete the work of raising chickens, cleaning manure, feeding and other tasks. The monthly wages of workers are a very large expense. Now, automated equipment can reduce these The use of labor reduces the cost of raising chickens.


4. The use of cages for breeding layers and broilers can facilitate the treatment and management of diseases. Cage breeding allows farmers to treat layers in time when they are sick, and the difficulty of treatment is greatly reduced, and the comparison of automated chicken house environmental control Well, it can also ensure that the laying hens are in good health.