Importance of regular disinfection of poultry farming equipment

The use of poultry farming equipment to assist in raising chickens is a common method of raising chickens for users of the chicken industry. The use of chicken feeding equipment for chicken raising can improve the efficiency of raising chickens, the number of chickens raised, and the labor intensity of raising chickens. However, the chicken feeding equipment is in the chicken house during use, and a large amount of dirt and pathogenic microorganisms are generated when used for a long time. It is very important to disinfect chicken equipment on a regular basis if it is likely to infect chickens without disinfection. The main points of disinfection of chicken feeding equipment are:

Any piece of equipment used in chicken feeding equipment should be disinfected regularly. Especially the chicken cage equipment, because the chicken cage is the place where the chickens grow for a long time, it is very easy to produce germs, so the farmers can choose to use chicken spray disinfection method, chicken cage disinfection and chicken group disinfection. Carrying out chicken disinfection is an important means to prevent and control infectious diseases. Disinfection of chickens should be done with a odorless and less irritating disinfectant, and several ingredients should be used alternately.

Master the tips of chicken house disinfection for cleaning chicken living standard.

In general, the cold season is appropriate once a week, twice a week at normal temperature, and the hot season can be one day a day. Because the air in the hot season is damp and the temperature is higher. Special attention should be paid to the disinfection when disinfecting water should be used after the house is pre-warmed. The effect of disinfection is relatively high at room temperature of about 25 degrees. The purpose of disinfection is mainly to kill bacteria and viruses in the air. Therefore, farmers should pay attention to the finer the spray droplets, the finer the better, can not drop the mist on the chicken body, otherwise it will affect the health of the chickens, and easily cause respiratory diseases in the chickens.

Disinfection is not only conducive to bactericidal disease prevention, but another role is to purify dust particles in the air, so disinfection is very important, because chickens are inevitably back to disease and dead chicken, which are bacteria and viruses. The target of the attack will become the source of the disease, so the farmers should pick out the treatment in time, which will greatly reduce the chance of a large group of diseases.

Secondly, farmers and staff are important carriers of pathogens, so those who need to enter the chicken house must be strictly disinfected. It is strictly forbidden for the staff of each house to string the chicken houses to prevent the infection of the pathogens in each house. When necessary, the overalls, hats, shoes, etc. worn by the personnel should be left in the original house, and the house should be replaced when the house is designated. Work clothes and caps should be cleaned and disinfected: work clothes and caps should be cleaned and replaced regularly.

The author once again reminds the farmers: in the chicken breeding work in the poultry farm equipment, the group and disinfection work must be taken seriously, do not careless! If necessary, you can consult a veterinarian to solve the problem. Only in this way can you effectively protect the economic benefits of the farmers.