How to store feed for poultry equipment

Although the automatic poultry equipment does not require farmers to spend too much energy on raising chickens, farmers should pay attention to the storage of feed. Because feed is an important point in raising chickens. Therefore, the chicken feed must be highly nutritious, and the quality and quantity of the feeding must be up to the standard, so as to help the chicken’s rapid and healthy growth. Feed storage is also a big problem. Next, I will introduce the key points of normal feed storage.


  1. Temperature: The temperature in the warehouse where the feed is stored will affect the storage of the feed. When the temperature is 15℃ or below, some pathogenic microorganisms multiply very slowly or even stop; but when the temperature in the warehouse reaches about 29℃, the pathogenic microorganisms It multiplies very quickly; therefore, farmers must pay attention to temperature changes when storing feed. If farmers find insect damage, they can use fumigation to disinfect and exterminate the insects.
  2. Humidity: The change of humidity in the warehouse will also affect the storage degree of the feed. With the improvement of humidity, molds multiply rapidly, so that the temperature and humidity in the warehouse will increase, and the musty and sour taste will appear one after another. The humidity is controlled at 65 % Or less is appropriate.

  1. Light: The outside light will affect the consumption of feed nutrients. The nutrients in the feed are often changed due to the occurrence of light or accelerated by the light. The light has a catalytic effect on the change of feed. Long-term light will affect the oxidation of fat in the feed, and it will also damage the fat-soluble vitamins, and the protein in the feed will also undergo metamorphosis due to the light.
  2. Oxygen: Farmers should pay attention to the oxygen in the air that can oxidize the fat in the feed, which will seriously affect the biological value of protein and damage certain vitamins, not only affecting nutrition, but also reducing palatability.
  3. Storage equipment and handling: Farmers must not only pay attention to the management of chicken farming. It is very important that the feeding management is the same. It is recommended that farmers do not buy too many feeds at one time to ensure the freshness of the feed. Attention should also be paid to pest control, ventilation, warehouse turning, and first-in-first-out handling in the warehouse.


Regardless of whether you are raising chickens in layer cages,broiler cages, you can store feed in the above methods, so that the chickens can eat safe and nutritious food and grow healthier.