How to raise high quality laying hens?

Nowadays, farmers use layer chicken cages to raise laying hens. No matter what mode is used to breed laying hens, the ultimate goal is to make their hens lay more eggs to make more money. In addition to the quality of poultry farming equipment is related to the growth of laying hens, from the selection of chicken seedlings to the rear of the breeding management, disease prevention and treatment must be done. The author came to simply share the main points of the four-point laying hen for the farmers.

First of all, the chicks should be selected: good seeds can be used to grow good crops. Good chicks can save the farmers a lot of unnecessary expenses in the later management and disease prevention.

Secondly, management must be done: to create a comfortable living environment for the laying hens, it will give you a good job. This requires farmers to regularly clean the house, keep the house clean, and keep ventilation to keep the air in the house fresh. Management should be careful, all aspects must be considered, so that chickens can be less.

Again, do a good job in the prevention of chicken disease: here is mainly about vaccine prevention. The best preventive measure for viral diseases such as avian flu, Newcastle disease, and transmission of the throat is the vaccine. It is very important to vaccinate the chickens on time. When the time is up, do it quickly. Don’t think about waiting for a few days. Otherwise, it will give the virus a chance. Once the egg is infected, it is not so easy to control.

Finally, nutrition should keep up: only ensure that the chicken body is adequately nutritious, the chicken can work harder and work harder, the egg production peak can be maintained for a long time, the disease resistance is strong, the usual sporadic death is small, and the vaccination antibody is produced high. At present, many egg hen experts call the egg laying period “the profit creation period”. In other words, all the work before the production (before 18 weeks) is all around the “profit creation period”, and the production performance after the production. The greater the play, the greater the benefits of farming, so nutrition management (such as corn, soybean meal, premix, health care products, etc.) during this period is of paramount importance.

The above is the focus of the four-point breeding hens shared by the author. If you want to know more, or have other questions you would like to consult, you can consult the technical staff of the poultry farming equipment manufacturer.