How to manage the chicken house in the fall

The temperature in autumn is very cool. There is no high temperature in summer. The chicken in the chicken battery cages will grow better. The humidity of the chicken changes. In the hot and rainy season in summer and autumn, the relative humidity of the house is kept at 55%~60%. Humidity Too large (more than 75%) will increase the effect of high temperature on the chicken, so that the cooling of the breathing is blocked, which is not conducive to the heat dissipation of the chicken body, resulting in excessive heat storage in the chicken body, resulting in increased body temperature, reduced feeding, slow growth, and even death from heatstroke. . So how do you reduce the air humidity in the house?

The first is the ventilation of the chicken house. The chicken is kept in the chicken cage. It needs more ventilation, and the ventilation is an important measure to cool down, dehumidify and remove dust, and keep the air inside the house. In the summer, the front and rear windows of the house should be opened for air convection. It is also possible to install a large-power ventilating fan to increase the air flow inside the house and take away the heat generated by the water and the chicken body in time.


Chicken manure is also water-containing, so it is necessary to clean up the chicken manure in time, take away the water, and accumulate more than not only affect the environment of the house, but also make the house house damp and affect the living environment of the chicken. Therefore, chicken manure should be treated in time.

Reduce the density of the flock. Reducing the number of chickens in the house reduces the amount of heat produced by the chicken. For cascading feeding, the number of upper-layer chickens should be appropriately reduced. Wet curtain ventilation can be installed to cool down. Wet curtain ventilation can reduce the room temperature by 3-5 °C compared with the general fan ventilation. If there is no condition, the chicken body can be cooled by regular water spray. Do a good job in the immune work of the flock to prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

In the rainy season, choose the chicken in the chicken house, the moisture-absorbing bedding, and replace it in time, because the litter and chicken manure are easily fermented in the moisture, emitting various harmful gases to the chickens. Defective effects must be removed. When feeding the chicken, don’t get too full, causing the water to leak on the ground and causing the house and poultry farming equipment to be wet.