How to manage broiler equipments in broiler farms?

The management of broiler equipment in the farm, or special breeding equipment personnel to explain the management and maintenance of broiler cage equipment. The expert in laying hen farm equipment reminds the farmers that the principle of the equipment is the same whether it is laying hens or broiler breeding equipment.

In order to work order in the farm, save and reduce costs, improve efficiency, implement scientific, standardized and institutionalized management, and clarify employee powers and responsibilities, please formulate this system, please follow the implementation.

Under the guidance of the company’s leadership and management, the farm is responsible for the implementation of specific work, implementing the personal responsibility system, the power given, the corresponding responsibility, and the unity of powers and responsibilities.

Chicken flocks need enough sunlight in winter.

1. The farm personnel implement a personal responsibility system, which gives power and assumes responsibility.
2. The farm supervisor is responsible for the management of the staff and daily affairs of the field department, responsible for the company, and timely reporting the situation of the farm.
3. Employees of all positions adhere to their duties and do their essential work. They are not allowed to leave their posts without authorization.
4. Do a good job in the security and anti-theft measures and work of the farm.
5. Shift at night, take care of the livestock and other items in the field.
6. Division of labor and collaboration, under a cooperative team, carry out their own work.
7. Do a good job in safety precautions.

Health and epidemic prevention management system
1. The garbage in the living area is protected and cleaned in time.
2. The farming utensils should be cleaned once a day to keep them clean.
3. Foreign personnel are not allowed to enter the breeding area at any time.
4. When local epidemics are found, the feeding utensils and troughs of the breeding equipment are used exclusively for drinking water tanks, and disinfection is carried out to effectively isolate the diseased food trough and the drinking trough.
5. The sick and dead animals are burnt or buried in the same day, and the used medicine packaging is uniformly placed and regularly destroyed.
6. The purchased livestock are quarantined to prevent the introduction of pathogens.
7. Regularly disinfect the farm and release the disease prevention and quarantine drugs.