How to make broiler chickens grow healthily

The chicken industry is a very common industry, and there is a wide range of breeding in our country. Now the demand for broiler chickens in the market is also increasing. Next, let’s talk about how to raise broiler chickens effectively and healthily.

The most important thing is to control the temperature. The temperature control of the chicken house is based on the condition of the chickens, so that the chickens do not open their mouths and do not get together.

The stocking density should not be too dense, and each chicken has enough room for growth. Because a reasonable density of chickens can ensure that each chicken can eat and drink normally, and it can create a good environment for the healthy growth of broilers.

Periodic disinfection of chicken cages. Disinfect the walls and floors of the chicken house regularly. After disinfection, the chicken house needs to be closed for one day, and then open the windows for ventilation.