How to maintain breeding equipment in chicken coops

The battery cage system for layers price in india of the chicken house needs to be maintained so that it can be used better. First of all, it is the feeding system of the chicken house. The feed line should be fully shaken when the pen is cleared and the chicken manure is cleared to reduce collision damage. During the cleaning, the outside of the material line should be thoroughly rinsed, and the remaining material in the material line should be completely emptied, and the rust prevention of the wire rope and the lifter should be done. Regularly repair the material line motor and thermal relay to reduce motor damage.


Regularly inspect the gearbox or belt, and add lubricant to the bearing parts for maintenance to reduce wear. Prevent iron nails, iron wires, silk threads and other items from entering the material line tube in the equipment, affecting the normal operation of the stirrer. During use, the entire material line should be leveled and the material line should be prevented from idling, thereby reducing the wear of the material pipe.



The ventilation system of the chicken house, the fan motor and the thermal relay are regularly inspected to reduce motor damage. When washing the chicken house, wrap the motor with a plastic cloth to prevent water inflow. Rinse the fan blades and shutters. Avoid placing debris inside the fan to damage the blades. Fan shutters must have a bracket that can automatically open and close. Keep the fan belt tight and moderate, and replace damaged belts and bearings in a timely manner.

The maintenance of automatic chicken farming equipment needs to check whether the belt is intact and whether it is loose. The automatic feeder is used to transfer materials by the leather belt. Only when the belt is normal can the production performance of the machine be fully exerted and the operation volume can be large.

Generally, the feed for chicken farming is relatively thin, so when feeding and feeding, there will be residues of feed on the feeder. If this is done for a long time, a large amount of dust will accumulate in the control box of the equipment. The dust will cause short circuit in the internal circuit , Damage electrical circuits and other components, so every now and then the farmers have to clean up the dust in the control box in poultry farming equipment.