How to maintain and maintain chicken farming equipment?

Those who have used fully automatic poultry farming equipment for chicken should know the benefits of chicken farming equipment. Although it felt a little expensive when you first bought it, you will feel that your money is worth your money when you use it later. The fully automatic chicken raising equipment saves a lot of manpower and material resources, and greatly reduces the cost of raising chickens. Even tens of thousands of chickens can be handled by only 3-5 people.

Is it very exciting to see here? Automated chicken farming equipment has many advantages, so we need to maintain and maintain it more so that we can bring more benefits to chicken farmers.

Clean the dust on the photoelectric switch regularly. Because the feed will produce a lot of dust when it enters the silo, it will also produce a lot of dust when the chicken is moving, and the feeder will not operate normally over time.



Check the aging of the motor belt frequently to prevent accidents from burning the motor. Maintain the motor at intervals. Pay attention to observe the working status of the cycloid reducer. If you find that there is oil shortage, fill up the gear oil in time.

After raising a batch of chickens, you can add some butter to the motor shaft of the chicken feed line to prevent rust. Of course, you can also use other oils for maintenance.

Every day before turning on the automatic chicken raising equipment, the obstacles on the track must be cleared to avoid bad phenomena such as equipment deviation or deviance during operation.

Have you learned all this? The maintenance and repair work of chicken breeding equipment must be paid attention to. Inspection work must be done at ordinary times. If damage is found, it must be dealt with in time. Don’t wait until a major problem occurs before regretting it. Fully automatic chicken raising equipment is equivalent to a tool for you to make money. It works efficiently and you make more money!