How to install the manure scraper for chicken farming equipment correctly?

Nowadays, many farmers have chosen to install automatic poultry farming equipment-manure scraper for manure removal in order to be able to carry out chicken raising more conveniently. The use of manure scrapers not only saves the farmer’s labor, but also cleans the equipment more cleanly, but if the farmer does not strictly follow the installation method to install, the effect will be poor. So, how to install the manure scraper correctly? The author will talk about it below.

The manure scraper of chicken breeding equipment is mainly composed of the following parts: manure scraper, partition wall, trench, main machine, corner wheel, rope winding, tight rope, motor, etc.

1. Manure board and partition wall: Farmers should determine the number of manure passages according to the span of the chicken house as the number of scrapers. Note that it should be an even number, with a maximum of four groups of eight scrapers. Then determine the width of the squeegee. To build the dung road partition wall and pave the dung road floor, cement plastering is generally required. The partition wall should be set in the longitudinal direction of the chicken house (length direction), the straightness shall not exceed 5%, and the error of the partition distance shall not exceed 5mm.

2. Ditch: Farmers should dig out the ditch at the end of the manure scraping direction of the chicken house and the front end of the power winch assembly. For the design of the manure removal ditch, the author suggests that farmers can design one side to be deep and the other side to be shallow. The deeper side is where the manure is discharged and the host is fixed. The deep end is generally designed to be 30-35 cm, and the shallow end is generally designed. The length is 16-18 cm, so that it is convenient to take the water to flow when cleaning the house, and secondly, it is convenient for the host to hide underground.

3. Host: The farmer should install the host in a pit of 1 meter square and 70 cm deep, and then pour it with concrete. After pouring, the upper plane should be 12-13 cm lower than the bottom of the trench. It is best to use embedded iron for easy installation. For the host, just take a few points on the solder joints, or use large expansion screws.

4. Corner wheel: Farmers can install the corner wheel assembly on both ends of the manure channel, and then anchor them. Note that the center line of the corner wheel’s rope out and in should be aligned with the center line of the scraper. Also, please note that referring to the installation diagram, the side of the wheel groove around the rope is the center, not the axis of the steering wheel is the center. If the center is wrong, the manure board will be unstable when scraping. After finding the center, pour it with concrete and pour it until the steering wheel shaft is 4 cm exposed. The height of the steering wheel is 20 cm cement pier 60*60 from the bottom of the trench.

5. Rope winding: Farmers should pay attention when installing the manure scraper for rope winding. It is necessary to ensure that each set of traction rope is wound on the driving roller, and the rope end is wound on the two rope winding wheels of the main machine, and then the steering wheel is wound on. Finally, buckle to death on a scraping board.

6. Tighten the rope: There should be two people when operating the tightrope, one person is turning the switch, and the other person loops the rope from the manure scraper frame, and then puts the rope head on the shaft of the steering wheel. Then one person pulls the rope, one person turns on the switch, and the host pulls the rope tightly.

7. Motor: When installing the manure scraper, farmers should pay attention to the best setting of control switch and leakage protection switch. In addition, the machine must be reliably grounded, otherwise it may cause personal injury!

The above is what the author told about the correct installation of the manure scraper for chicken farming equipment. I hope that the above description can help every farmer. In addition, in order to ensure the longest time efficiency of the manure scraper, farmers should maintain the equipment regularly to ensure the service life of the equipment.