How to do a good job in the management of layer breeding equipment

How to do a good job in the management of laying hen breeding equipment? Compared with many farmers do not know. Coming up next I am going to introduce everyone that1. There are relevant safety operation warnings on the equipment, please pay attention to and read these warnings carefully when using or maintaining.

2. The use or maintenance operators must go through professional skills training and operate in strict accordance with the relevant operating procedures.

3. The power cord of the power supply part needs to have a special protective wire cover, and the wiring part should have a special terminal block to prevent accidents caused by leakage.

5. There is an electric shock line at the lower part of the trough where the egg rolls down. This is to prevent the chicken from pecking the egg. Please do not touch it with your hands to avoid being injured.



6. The installation, overhaul or maintenance of electrical equipment related to this equipment needs to be operated by professional electrical operators in accordance with the regulations, otherwise it may cause serious injury accidents.

4. The protective parts of the equipment are an important part of the equipment and cannot be removed at will. If it is damaged, it must be repaired or replaced in time.

7. During inspection, repair and maintenance, the staff must ensure that the main power switch is turned off and the main power switch is blocked, otherwise it may cause serious injury accidents.

8. During the operation of the equipment, it is strictly forbidden to observe the operation status of the equipment personally and open the related inspection ports for maintenance. If you really need to observe the operating conditions of the relevant components during operation, you need professionals to operate in accordance with the regulations and be equipped with necessary personal protective measures.

9. Two travel switches are installed in the head and tail of the machine, and the rail wheel of the feeder will stop running when it touches any of the travel switches. Check whether the travel switch is sensitive or not. If it fails, it should be replaced in time. Otherwise, it is easy to damage the layer hens of the feeder truck, and the precautions of the layer breeding equipment may even lead to more serious consequences.

Layer breeding equipment has different managements for different breeding methods. Layer breeding equipment can achieve centralized management and reduce the incidence of poultry diseases. Therefore, in the process of breeding, according to the actual number of breeding, adopt internationally universal layer breeding equipment standards, and appropriately adjust the density to save resources and space. At the same time, it can ensure the health of the chickens.