How to deal with the humidity of chicken farms

We all know that the temperature in spring and summer is different. The humidity in the battery cage for broilersis too large. The humidity will affect the growth and production of the chicken. How to prevent and respond to the broiler cage?

First of all, the site of the broiler cage should be selected to be high and dry, and the broiler cage should be built in a place that is conducive to drainage, flood control, ventilation, and quiet environment, so as to facilitate the insulation and moisture protection of the broiler cage. Due to the difference in temperature in spring and summer, it is necessary to strengthen ventilation and ventilation, pay attention to heat preservation. The temperature of the broiler cage is not lower than 15 °C, and attention should be paid to prevent thieves and winds. At the same time, under the premise of moderate insulation, it should be strengthened. Ventilation and ventilation to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the broiler cage. In the chicken house, it is necessary to maintain a proper stocking density. If the density of the breeding is too large, it will cause crowding of the chickens and is not conducive to moisture.




When feeding chicken feed and water in chicken feeding equipment, care should be taken to prevent water leakage from drinking utensils. When water dispensers are found to leak water, they should be sealed or replaced according to specific conditions; timely remove and dry the chicken cages to raise the chicken house ground. Leakage to eliminate the unfavorable factors that form water vapor. Active prevention, such as not actively preventing and treating diseases that cause chickens to excrete thin feces and make them wet on the ground, such as ferrets, gastroenteritis, infectious bursal disease, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, coccidiosis Wait.


It is necessary to clean the manure regularly and remove the dirt on the ground to reduce the humidity in the house and the odor in the air. In the winter, the house should be based on heat preservation, and the temperature of the house should not be lower than 12 °C. In order to prevent the temperature from being low and the humidity is too high, it is best to install heating equipment if conditions permit for chicken battery cage for broilers .