How to deal with the high temperature and high humidity in summer?

1. Reduce the poultry farming cage equipment relative density. Moderately reducing the relative density of breeding is also a step forward for everyone to succeed. That is, 70% of the relative density of the original feeding is appropriate.

2. Reduce the kinetic energy ratio. It is a pot friend of self-seasoning. Moderately reduce high-energy feed. Add 1–2% vegetable oil to increase protein methionine and dicalcium phosphate to increase the use rate of chicken feed.

3. Reduce the frequency of feeding. Don’t engage in feeding 4-6 times a day. Feeding can be done twice in the morning at 3.00-5 o’clock in the morning and at 8.00-10 o’clock in the evening to reduce the fitness exercise of the chickens.



4. Change the usual habit of drinking a tower of water and then releasing it. Breeding at high temperatures. More hard work and less water. Let chickens drink refreshing deep well water, which can enhance the multi-dimensionality of VC electrolyte solution in drinking water to reduce the urgency of high temperature.

5. Clean chicken manure frequently. Better one-two times, the excretion at this stage is more prone to alcohol and nitrogen dioxide is more concentrated, give your chickens another opportunity to improve the inhaled air and clean it.

6. To add drugs on time and frequently to prevent. High fever and high and low temperatures cause the chickens to drink more water every day, and the excrement is relatively thin. colitis. Cholera fights against coccidiosis to be promoted to pay attention to prevention.