How to deal with broiler colibacillosis?

Broiler colibacillosis is one of the common infectious diseases in broilers. It is widely found in nature and chicken gastrointestinal tract. It has the characteristics of high incidence, high rate of stiffness, high mortality, rapid spread, etc. influential.

Etiology: Escherichia coli is a conditional pathogen that is widely found in the gastrointestinal digestive tract of broilers. When the feeding conditions are bad (such as temperature changes, messy chicken houses, cold winters, changing feed), E. coli It will turn into pathogenic E. coli, which will cause the chicken to resist the decline of the disease, which will cause the occurrence of E. coli in broilers.

Healthy broilers farming

Symptoms: The diseased chicken in chicken battery cages feathers are loose, the mental state is poor, the eyes are dull, some chickens suddenly die without any symptoms; the sick chicken temperature rises, the feed intake decreases, the group is warm, and stands aside, not willing to move; shortness of breath difficult.

Treatment: Through drug sensitivity test, it is found that doxycycline, gentamicin, spectinomycin and amikacin are highly sensitive drugs. For disease-critical chickens, continuous intramuscular injection of amikacin for 3-5 days is used.

Precautionary measures: Strengthen the management of broiler chickens. In summer, the chicken houses should be kept in a timely manner to prevent heat and humidity, prevent excessive humidity, keep warm in winter, and keep air circulation in the chicken house. Strengthen the management of temperature control, disinfection and epidemic prevention, sanitation and cleaning of chicken houses