How to choose a black chicken farm site?

Commercial chicken farms in the black-bone production system should be divided into breeding chicken farms and black-bone commercial broiler production farms; The selection of the site should be based on the distribution of local resources and production purposes, the market needs and the possibility of local conditions for comprehensive analysis. If the site has not been determined, the feasibility of the proposed site should be investigated. This has long-term impact on the construction investment of the chicken farm, the production performance, health status, production efficiency, cost and surrounding environment of the chicken farm.

black chicken
Therefore, the site should be carefully selected. The site should be easily accessible. It should be built in a place with high terrain, dry and flat, convenient drainage and leeward sun. The soil is preferably lime-soiled or sandy loam, so that it can be kept dry inside and outside, and the water can be removed in time after rain. The water consumption of the chicken farm should take into account the water quantity and water quality. The water source is preferably groundwater, and the water quality is clean and meets the requirements of drinking water hygiene.