How many reasons do you know that chick mortality is too high?

1. Hazardous performance of low temperature: When the temperature is low, the first reaction of the chick is to start to sing. If this is ignored, the body temperature of the chick will continue to drop, and it will feel cold and prone to the bottom of the cage or the litter, resulting in body temperature. Falling faster. At this time, in order to keep warm, the chicks are often crowded together and piled up together. If they are piled up for too long, some weak chicks will die or become sick, resulting in an increase in mortality.

2. There are many factors that affect the feeding and appetite of the chicks, causing hunger and death. The sick child is thin, pale, weak or lethargic. Bad environmental factors: such as chilling, overheating, excessive humidity, poor ventilation, noise, excessive light, excessive density of chicks, etc.; insufficient water or trays, insufficient water trays, improper placement of feed or Poor quality of drinking water This will cause this to happen in chicken layer cages for sale.

3. The main manifestations of water shortage in chicks are lack of energy, loss of appetite, sagging wings, sluggishness, insufficient supply of drinking water, or continuous supply; too few drinking fountains, or places that are too cold, too hot, too far away, young chicks cannot access these It will affect the drinking water of the chicks.



4. Anoxic or carbon dioxide poisoning, analysis of environmental causes of hypoxia, cold weather, continuous heating of brooding rooms, closed doors and windows, especially in the case of using hot plates or gas as heat source, exhausting oxygen; brooding room ventilation Bad, tightly closed, and dense chicks.
5. A large amount of ammonia gas can be produced after fermentation of feces, feed and other organic matter in the poultry house. A small amount of ammonia gas, such as 10ppm or less, although it can smell ammonia smell, does not seem to be much harm to the growth of chicken; when the concentration of ammonia exceeds 25ppm, it can irritate the eyes, cause conjunctivitis and corneal ulcer, and make chicks easy Infected with respiratory diseases; when the concentration reaches 80ppm, the appetite of the chicken can be reduced, weight loss, and various diseases can be induced, resulting in the death of chickens in batches in chicken cages prices in South Africa.
Analysis of environmental factors for ammonia excess:
The brooding room is damp, dirty, and the feces are not often cleaned, so that the organic matter is decomposed and fermented to produce a large amount of ammonia gas; (2) The brooding room is poorly ventilated and the chickens are dense.