How can chicken farms develop healthily?

In recent years, with the continuous development of the breeding industry, there are more and more chickens, so how can a chicken farm develop healthily?

Choose a better venue to build a chicken house. The chicken house is not as closed as possible, and it is never the bigger. It is more important to create a basic living environment suitable for the healthy growth and development of the flock, ventilation, temperature, humidity, space, drinking water, and feeding. It is also necessary to adhere to the hygiene of cleaning the house every month.

Use good feed to feed the chickens, and at the same time do the mold-proof work of the feed, and store and dry the food. Pay attention to immunization. Every time the chicken in the chicken house is finished, the empty chicken house should be disinfected. The dust is disinfected from the first disinfectant, and then rinsed after 3 days. After the final fumigation, the inspection is qualified.

Pay attention to the ventilation of the chicken house. According to the body temperature of the chicken, the temperature of the house is determined. Especially in hot weather, the phenomenon of heat stress is more likely to occur. We should pay attention to the situation of the chicken in time. Different stages of chicken feeding according to different feeds can be fully developed in poultry farming equipment for sale.