Essential nutrients for raising broilers

When raising chickens on a large scale, it is necessary to build a chicken farm and use automatic chicken raising equipment. This is efficient and the number of chickens will increase. Regarding chicken raising in broiler battery cages, we need to know what are the necessary nutrients for raising broilers.

Protein: Protein is the most important nutrient in chicken diets. In order to further promote the sexual development of high-quality broilers, the crown is red, maintaining its meat quality and taste, improving feather luster, timely, and feeding protein levels in the early (0~4 weeks)) 20%~22%, later (after 4 weeks) ) 18.5% to 19.5%, and appropriate addition of sulfur-containing amino acids, such as methionine. The methionine content in the diet is 0.45%~0.47% for chicken in chicken battery cage for broilers 



Healthy broilers farming



Sulfur: Sulfur in poultry usually exists in the form of sulfur-containing amino acids. The feathers and claws of quality broilers contain a lot of sulfur. When chickens are deficient in sulfur, they are prone to beech. The chicken panicked, hiding in the corner to prevent being shackled, or seeing many parts of the chicken body without long hair. At the same time, copper sulfate and iron sulfate should be added because cysteine ​​is partially sulfated due to insufficient sulfate in the body, which makes the extremely difficult methionine more scarce. This is because methionine and cystine have in vivo. Collaboration and functionality.

Vitamins: Because high-quality broilers can’t store large amounts of vitamin B2 in the body, on the other hand, the addition of anti-coccidial drugs and other antibacterial drugs to the feed can cause the absorption of vitamin B2 to be blocked, leading to inward curling and growth retardation of the toe claws. Therefore, vitamin B2 must be added as appropriate. In addition, vitamin B2 can promote the growth and development of high quality broilers, keeping the skin Health, promoting the feathering and skin coloration of South African chicken cage prices.