Environmental protection and economy of chicken cages in chicken houses

The benefits of chicken cages are reflected in the use of chicken battery cage system design price in Uganda to raise chickens to reduce the range of chicken activity and save the chicken’s physical strength. The structure of the broiler cage is simple, saving material and cost. The installation and control of the chicken cage is relatively simple and the operation is not strong. The broiler is not easy to cause damage to the chicken in the chicken cage, and the chicken feather is well protected.


The advantages of raising chickens in broiler cages are as follows: feed conversion rate: 8-10% of feed can be saved by verification, less pollution, good environment: chicken manure is automatically transferred to the chicken house on the same day, and the meat cage is automatically loaded. Does not produce the next day chicken feces mutual infection; no litter in the house: reduce the cost of the picture of the chicken cage, the effective collection of chicken manure for sale; green.


Healthy broilers farming


It is necessary to control the temperature of the chicken house in time: temperature is an important factor affecting the health of broiler chickens. Therefore, farmers must strictly implement the temperature requirements required for broilers, and pay attention to timely cooling during the summer. Pay attention to the work of heat preservation, only to maintain a comfortable temperature to ensure the healthy growth of the flock.

Ventilation and ventilation: broiler chicken farm cage in Nigeria are more densely bred than flat-bred chicken houses, and there are many chickens in the chickens. Therefore, the harmful gases such as feces and oxygen are relatively large, so the farmers must be in the process of breeding. Do a good job of ventilation and ventilation, discharge harmful gases in a timely and effective manner, and put fresh air into the house to keep the air in the house fresh and suitable.