Details to be aware of when using broiler cages to raise broilers

The use of broiler rearing equipment to raise chickens has attracted many farmers to join in the advantages of high density of breeding. The use of broiler cages to raise broilers in the former chicken industry has become the most widely used method of raising chickens. In order to better breed broiler chickens, in addition to selecting good broiler cages, it is necessary to pay attention to scientific feeding management before they can make their own The benefits of raising chickens are maximized. The authors summarize several of the details that need to be addressed during the use of broiler cages to raise chickens. Let’s share them now:

1. Selection of broiler chickens: In addition to feeding management and the quality of broiler cages, the quality of the chickens in the selection of broiler chickens is closely related to the growth and quality of the broilers. The quality of the chicks is related to the broiler breeding. The success or failure of the farmers must strictly control the quality of the broiler chickens, and carry out strict selection to ensure reliable source, pure chicken and healthy chicken, and must not buy cheap unhealthy chickens. When selecting chicks, in addition to focusing on the variety, it must also be guaranteed to come from non-epidemic areas.

2. Broiler chicks should be kept warm: in the early stage of broiler feeding, that is, during the chick period, the farmers must pay attention to the regulation of the temperature of the house. At this time, the ability of the broiler to adjust the body temperature is relatively weak, so the farmers must pay attention to the house. The temperature, especially in winter, is very susceptible to the health of broilers if the temperature is too low.

3. Feeding broilers in stages: Although broilers can be sold in 50 or 60, these 50 to 60 days also require farmers to raise them in stages. The nutrient temperature and humidity required for different stages are different. Feeding can be divided into three stages: 0-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, and 6-out.

4. Air environment in chicken houses: The density of chickens used in broiler cages is relatively large, and the number of broiler chickens is large. Therefore, the chicken houses produce a large amount of feces every day, and the feces cause harmful gases such as ammonia and carbon dioxide, so in order to discharge harmful gases. And supplemental oxygen, farmers must strengthen the ventilation of the house, reasonable ventilation can effectively reduce the temperature of the house and the entry of fresh air, giving the chickens a suitable growth environment.

5. Chicken house lighting: Now the chicken house is relatively closed, so when lighting, artificial lighting is used. Generally, the farmers will carry out continuous light for 24 hours throughout the day, or perform 23 hours of continuous light for 1 hour of darkness. The purpose of 1 hour of darkness is to prevent broilers from adapting to the dark environment in order to prevent blackouts, and the chickens will not be crowded and suffocated due to power outages. There is a window house, which can be artificially lighted at night by the natural light of the sun during the day.

6. Do a good job of immunization: In the process of breeding, immunization of broiler chickens is an effective means to prevent infectious diseases. Therefore, every farmer should carry out immunization work and formulate immunization procedures according to the situation of his own house. And according to the correct method for a variety of vaccination, in addition, farmers should pay attention to the choice of vaccines when choosing a regular manufacturer’s vaccine, and pay attention to proper storage and use.

In summary, in the process of using broiler battery cages to raise broilers, the details of feeding management that farmers need to pay attention to are only for reference by farmers, thank you for your attention!