Control measures for heat stress in laying hens

The heat stress state affects the absorption of chicken feeding and nutrients, affects the metabolism of the substance, and affects the health and production performance of the chicken. Because chickens have no sweat glands, they can’t discharge excess heat by sweating, and it is difficult to heat up the thick feathers, especially because of the adoption of high-density breeding. How should heat stress be controlled?

1, The optimum temperature for laying eggs is 17-23 °C. If the temperature is too high, the egg production rate will decrease, the eggs are small, the shell is thin, brittle, and the surface is rough. High temperatures can cause a decline in the intake of chickens, lack of nutrition, and a drop in egg production. Starting from 21 °C, the egg production rate drops every 10 °C increase in ambient temperature o. 5%, over 30 ° C, the egg production rate dropped sharply.

2, control measures

a, increase nutrient concentration, high concentration of nutritious diet, feeding chicken at 32 ° C, feed conversion rate increased, the average egg weight also improved. In a high temperature environment, special attention should be paid to balancing the proportion of various amino acids in the diet. Heat stress reduces the intake of laying hens, in addition to adequate energy, other nutrients such as protein, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, trace elements and vitamins,The food intake is correspondingly reduced. Meet the nutritional needs of chickens and avoid losses.

b, improve feeding methods, reduce calcium diet, while feeding calcium alone to increase feed intake. Feeding alone every afternoon helps to increase the absorption of calcium by the chicken.

c, adding vitamin C, vitamin C can help the chicken to maintain good production performance under high temperature conditions in poultry equipment for sale.