Common problems in broiler feeding management

According to the condition of the house and the date of the new chickens entering the house, the house should be properly arranged for washing, cleaning and disinfection. It is best to have the same chicken in the same chicken house and have enough feeding space and drinking water. Pay attention to the breeding density.

Chick control:

1. Temperature, because the chick’s thermal regulation system is not yet fully developed, some heating system is needed to heat the chicks. Special attention should be paid to whether the behavior of the chicks is consistent with the temperature inside the house.

2. Lighting, choose the appropriate lighting program for poultry equipment for sale.

3. Humidity, maintaining relatively high humidity for 1-2 weeks in the previous period, and maintaining relatively low humidity at 3 weeks of age. The reference standard is: 1-2 weeks, the relative humidity can be controlled at 65%-70%, and later controlled at 55. %-60%, minimum not less than 40%.

4. Ventilation and ventilation, continuous high concentration of harmful gases can cause chicken anemia, weak constitution, decreased production performance and disease resistance, and easy to induce disease, causing huge losses to broiler production.