Common knowledge of fan equipment for raising chickens

At present, chicken farms are almost all using poultry farming equipment. Many farmers have chicken-raising equipment in their chicken houses. Among them, chicken raising equipment fans are one of the most common equipments used to ventilate chicken houses. The harmful gases and carbon dioxide in the house can be removed from the house, so that fresh air can enter the house to ensure sufficient oxygen. In order to better use the fan of the chicken cage equipment to achieve good results, the author reminds the farmers to know common sense:

First, the number of fan curtains in the layer chicken house should be sufficient, and they should be matched with each other: usually the farmers use the chicken feeding equipment and the fan will be used together with the wet curtain to better cool the house. When installing fans and wet curtains, farmers need to calculate the number of fan curtains based on the ratio. The calculation of the wet curtain of the chicken house fan is more complicated. Generally speaking, every 2,000 chickens in the laying house need 1400 type fan (1.1 kW motor, rated power 52000 cubic meters / hour), corresponding to the wet curtain area of 6 to 8 square meters.

Second, common problems and solutions:

1. When the number of fans is sufficient and the area of the wet curtain is insufficient: if this happens, it is easy to increase the resistance of the fan during operation, and it is easy to burn the motor; the wet curtain is subjected to pressure increase, and the wet curtain is convex toward the chicken house; It is quickly discharged and the intake air is insufficient. Therefore, the chicken house will be deprived of oxygen. If the body of the hypoxic flock will deteriorate for a long time, the egg production performance will be degraded, and it is difficult for the farmers to find the cause.
Solution: First: the fan and the wet curtain must match; second: add the wet curtain on both sides of the wet curtain end; three: if the wet curtain can not be added, the fan is less open; four: when the high temperature and high humidity need more fan, you can in the fan end, the window is properly opened to open a certain gap.

2. When the area of the wet curtain is sufficient and the number of fans is insufficient: If the number of fan equipment is insufficient, the cooling effect of the farmer’s house will be poor. The solution is to increase the number of fans according to the value of each other. The author suggests that the farmers are selected. When purchasing chicken farming equipment fan equipment, you can purchase one or two more for backup, because the long-term use of the fan will inevitably lead to efficiency degradation and failure.

3. When the fan and wet curtain are insufficient: the cooling effect of the chicken house is very poor, the feed intake in summer is low, and the autumn will be due to the serious negative balance of nutrition in the summer. Solution: Rebuild the wet curtain according to the number of fans, wet curtains and matching values, and increase the fan.

The above are some common sense problems that must be understood when farmers use wind turbines. They are only for reference by farmers. It is hoped that farmers can use poultry farming equipment correctly and reasonably to create a better comfortable environment for the chicken house and to make the chickens grow and produce healthily.