Common equipment for raising chickens in chicken houses

If you have a large number of chickens, you need to raise equipment chicken battery cages to raise chickens. This will help farmers to solve many problems quickly. The number of chicken equipment is the same as that used by farmers. Great relationship. So, what are the most common chicken equipment in the entire chicken farm?

Common equipment for chickens in chicken houses:

Feeding equipment and feeding equipment are the most basic equipment requirements for raising chickens. It mainly refers to poultry farming cage equipment and chicken houses. Different farmers use different farming methods, so chicken cages and house equipment are actually different. The most common ones are full-step chicken cages, half-step chicken cages, overlapping chicken cages, and breeding chicken cages and laying hen cages. Different chicken cages have different chickens, so we need to choose according to the specific situation.


Drinking water temperature control equipment, drinking water and temperature control equipment are also very important in farming. If chickens are to grow normally, they have certain requirements on temperature, especially chicks, which are more sensitive to temperature. This means that we have heating and cooling equipment in the farm when we raise chickens. Secondly, the survival of chickens is inseparable from water, and drinking water equipment is also essential. The common drinking water equipment is the sink or the hanging dish drinker. A vacuum drinker or a nipple drinker can also be used if conditions permit.



Feeding equipment, in our usual feeding process, the feeding equipment we see is generally a trough, using artificial feeding equipment, so that although the chicken growth can be better observed, the labor cost is better. Big. Therefore, there are some chain-type feeders, spiral spring feeders, bucket feeders and driving vehicles on the market. These are the common feeding materials in chicken farms. device.


Ventilation and defecation equipment, we also need to pay special attention to the management of the breeding environment during the breeding process. First of all, we should pay attention to the ventilation equipment, but most of the chicken farms use ventilation to open the window. However, if the scale of the culture is large, the ventilation effect is not very good, so it is necessary to use mechanical ventilation. Such as fans, fans, etc. In fact, it is sanitation cleaning, that is, cleaning the manure. Under normal circumstances, the manure is manually cleaned. However, if the scale is large and the labor intensity is too large, we can also configure the corresponding manure scraper.